Our Projects

Our Work Projects

Year 2021-22

Name Of Work:

Repairs to spillway guide wall and cross toe drain of Nira Deoghar Dam

Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune
Cost Of Work: Rs. 22.50 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Repairs of service road on Nira Deoghar

Right Bank Canal Km 11 to 65 Sangavi(Bhatghar)Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune
Cost Of Work: Rs.45 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Repairs to Conventional Plumb Bob & Uplift Pressure

cell Meter in Gallery Nira Deoghar Dam,Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune.
Cost Of Work: Rs.10.50 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Epoxy Morter to guide wall

of Nira Deoghar Dam Tal- Bhor, Dist- Pune .
Cost Of Work: Rs. 45 lakh.

Our Work Projects

Year 2022-23

Name Of Work:

Repairs to Aqueduct

No. 6 @ Ch 13/925 and Aqueduct No. 7 @ Ch 17/551 of Nira Left Bank Canal Dist-Pune
Cost Of Work: Rs. 1.25 Cr.

Name Of Work:

Constructing Smashanbhumi

at rehabilitated village Padegaon(Parhar kh) Tal-Phaltan, Dist-Satara
Cost Of Work: Rs.15 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Repairs to Nira Deoghar Dam

by providing stone pitching at upstream side of dam from ch 0/750 to 1/000 Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune.
Cost Of Work: Rs. 18 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Servicing, Repairing and Painting

to Automatic and Rolling gates of Bhatghar Dam Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune.
Cost Of Work: Rs. 32 lakh.

Our Work Projects

Year 2023-24

Name Of Work:

Construction of wearing coat

on waste weir road surface, Repairs to Pizometers and wire fencing compound towards Mahad road side of Nira Deoghar Dam Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune.
Cost Of Work: Rs. 50 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Maintenance and repairs to approach road

to Nira Deoghar Dam Tal-Bhor, Dist-Pune.
Cost Of Work: Rs.1 Cr.

Name Of Work:

Construction of lining work

to @ Ch 13/925 and @ Ch 17/551 of Nira Left Bank Canal Dist-Pune
Cost Of Work: Rs. 75 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Construction of CCB

at Ahire ( Ghatdare Odha )Tal-Khandala, Dist-Satara .
Cost Of Work: Rs. 65 lakh.

Our Work Projects

Year 2024-25

Name Of Work:

Construction of road

from Chavanwasti to MDR - 7 VR-110 Tal-Phaltan, Dist-Satara
Cost Of Work: Rs. 98 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Improvement to road

Mathachiwadi Karandwasti to Chavanwasti Gunaware Road VR-109 Tal-Phaltan, Dist-Satara
Cost Of Work: Rs.20 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Construction of CC Bandhara

at Sangavi Tal- Khandala, Dist-Satara
Cost Of Work: Rs. 20 lakh.

Name Of Work:

Improvement to Road

Sathephata to Tawarewasti Road Km 0/00 to 2/00 VR-104 Tal-Phaltan, Dist-Satara Cost Of Work .
Cost Of Work: Rs. 50 lakh. (Ongoing Work)

Name Of Work:

Improvement to Road

Mathachiwadi Karandwasti to Chavanwasti Gunaware Road VR-109 Tal-Phaltan, Dist-Satara
Cost Of Work: Rs. 30 lakh. (Ongoing Work)

Some Info

Building Trust, Brick by Brick

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